A downloadable game for Windows

Molten Steel is a fast-paced third person mecha squad shooter game currently in development. Ride your VerSA, a construction machine turned weapon of war, to engage in high speed combat as you blast your enemies apart piece by piece. Everything in this demo is at an early stage and feedback on any aspect is welcome! Please familiarise yourself with the controls and tips below, as the gameplay is somewhat different to most third person shooters.



Good morning, rider.

In today's combat simulation, you must destroy the shore emplacements in preparation for the arrival of our main attack force. Practise your mobility controls on the beach before taking on the static (and mobile) defences of the enemy power stations. The mission will be complete when all turrets and generators are destroyed.

Remember, only the swift survive!


Vertical Strength Armature [VerSA] Control Manual:

ControlMouse and KeyboardGamepadNotes
MovementW, A, S, D KeysLeft Thumbstick-
CameraMouseRight Thumbstick-
First/Third Person SwitchMiddle Mouse ButtonD-Pad LeftHold for Vanity cam
Fire Left/Right WeaponLeft/Right Mouse ButtonLeft/Right 
Target Lock-OnE KeyRight Thumbstick PressHold to release lock
Activate Airskates / AirbrakesLeft ShiftFace Button Bottom-
Airskate DashSpaceLeft BumperActivates skates if walking
Purge WeaponX KeyFace Button RightHold button and 'fire' weapon
Draw/Holster Secondary Weapon
Q KeyFace Button TopHold button and 'fire' weapon
Fire Special Weapon (e.g. Missile Rack)
F KeyFace Button Right
Cycle Active Special Weapon
G KeyD-Pad Left
Radio SquadLeft CtrlRight BumperSelect radio command using camera controls, then send using Lock-On button
Cycle Comm ChannelsC KeyD-Pad RightChannels are All / Allied / Critical
Toggle Waypoint VisibilityV KeyD-Pad Down
Pause MenuEsc, P KeyStart ButtonPress again to unpause


Advanced Control Tips:

  • It is critical to move rapidly and unpredictably while under enemy fire. Pump that dash button!
  • The lock-on function is essential to maintain fire on your target while engaging in evasive maneuvers. The reticule shows predicted enemy location based on the target's speed and your weapon's projectile velocity. The system is not perfect (which is why we still need you to ride the VerSA) so use the camera controls to manually adjust weapon aim while locked on for both aim correction and specific location targeting.
  • Each part of your VerSA takes damage independently. If a part is reduced to 0% integrity, it will be destroyed.
  • A destroyed arm will be automatically severed to prevent damage to the power circuit from a current surge.
  • Damage to the head will prevent use of the third person camera mode. 
  • Destruction of the legs or back-mounted power supply will disable the unit.
  • Loss of torso integrity will result in the VerSA (and likely also the rider) becoming inoperative.
  • Try to take incoming fire on the frontal armor. Even after its integrity is lost, it will continue to reduce the damage of strikes upon it according to its armor value.
  • Conversely, aim for exposed parts of the enemy VerSA for maximum effect.
  • Some weapons have special functions (e.g. scope zoom) when wielded in two hands, which may be activated using the opposite trigger button.
  • Subweapons can only be drawn with an empty hand. If your weapon is destroyed or no longer useful, ditch it and draw your backup. 
  • Purged weapons automatically burn out to prevent capture by the enemy, so they cannot be used again once discarded (much to the chagrin of the Office of Logistics)!
  • For maximum acceleration when changing direction sharply, activate the brakes before dashing.
  • Hold down the dash button to use 'Overdrive' for a higher top speed when travelling outside of combat. The VerSA will automatically accelerate forwards and directional controls will be locked, but camera rotation can still be used to adjust course. Lock-on can be maintained in this mode but automatic target tracking is disabled.


If you've read this far, thank you for showing your interest in my game!
It's much appreciated and inspires me to work harder every day.


moltensteel-windows.zip 302 MB
Version 42 Mar 26, 2023


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are you working on any other projects or on this one?

Hi! I'm currently working on other projects - although this one is always at the back of my mind, so it might be finished someday...

so how do we use the missile rack systems?

Hi! They are fired with the F key on Keyboard, or on Controller with the 'Face Button Left' (PS: Square, Xbox: X), and you can cycle between them using the G key or D-Pad Left. I have now added this information to the Control Manual, so thanks for asking!

also what is the purpose of the external capacitors

If a both hands are holding weapons that do not have the 'Low Drain' Special Effect (e.g. pistols), then the weapons will regenerate their ammo slower. Equipping an External Capacitor will remove the penalty for weapons held in that hand.